
Peshawar, Pakistan


+92 301 8077090

We are open:


General Practitioner MCQs

  • 1 Months - $30
  • 2 Months - $40
  • 3 Months - $60
  • 4 Months - $70

Course Features

Contains over 3300+ MCQs inclusive of recent past papers & recalls (Ala, Special & Glory files, Radar Notes & Panels) from DOH, DHA, MOH, OMSB, QCHP, SMLE, KMLE, NHRA exams, and as per Gulf Health Authorities Licensing Exams syllabus.

Authored by a group of qualified DHA, MOH, OMSB & DOH General Practitioners team.

Recalls received after valuable feedback from exam takers, with the Passprometric team proceeding to make necessary corrections, finalize stems and options, and provide comprehensive explanations, including images and tables.

Single best answer with detailed explanation.

Questions are constantly reviewed and updated with recent exam questions by the Passprometric team to ensure they are up-to-date and consistent with the current exam syllabus and pattern.

Authentic question style, written to mimic the actual questions you will encounter in the examination.